
Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog, I have made my main product which is a trailer named Eye Spy and a poster for Eye Spy and a Magazine Cover for Premiere, which you will find directly below.
If you click on September 2012 it will take you to the beginning of my research and planning posts for all my media products, you can view this here.
My Evaluation starts on Monday 11th March 2013 for all in media products, you can view this here.

Hope you enjoy.
Abbie Dutton-Guiver.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Research and Planning: Teaser Trailer Conventions.

Teaser Trailer Conventions.

A teaser trailer is a small trailer which gives the audience a small insight into a film.

What it should consist of:

A Montage
A small set of clips taken from the film, usually some from the beginning (equilibriam) to set the scene for the audience so they get a small introduction and then the rest of the trailer is filled with peaks from the films disruption to create suspense and keep the audience interested by showing them 'highlights' however nothing from the new equilibriam should be shown because that reveals to the audience the solving which defeats the objects of the trailer.

Title of the Film & Release Date
These two usually occur at the end of the trailer so the audience is made to watch the entire trailer to find out what it's called and also when it's released, which are the two most important factors to find uot through the trailer.

Voice-Over or Titles
Different genres use different types, for example horrors or thrillers tend to use more titles because it creates more suspense because the titles usually appear quite slow and they are only short snappy lines which can sometimes be used to identify films with. Voice-Over's are sually used by comedy's or romcoms because it's a lot more of a light atmosphere and you want the audience to relate and like the characters in the trailer.

Production Company
The Production Company is usually shown before the trailer because it can usually give the audience an insight into the type of film for example, if it is an independant company like Warp Films then it may be more likely to be a social realist film whereas conglomerates such as Universal create huge blockbusters so through showing the audience this is helps them to distinguish what type of film it may be.

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