
Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog, I have made my main product which is a trailer named Eye Spy and a poster for Eye Spy and a Magazine Cover for Premiere, which you will find directly below.
If you click on September 2012 it will take you to the beginning of my research and planning posts for all my media products, you can view this here.
My Evaluation starts on Monday 11th March 2013 for all in media products, you can view this here.

Hope you enjoy.
Abbie Dutton-Guiver.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Research and Planning: Good and Bad Trailers.

Good and Bad Trailers.
Trailers that are good and bad in terms of us being able to recreate the same sort of thing.


Blair Witch Project. 
This would be a good trailer because we could easily recreate something similar to this because we have access to the handheld cameras and we could use younger characters like they have in this to appeal to our target audience. If we did want to do this sort of thing it would be simple to recreate for us because we would just need to find the right space and time for the lighting. 

Saw II 
This trailer would be more difficult for us to produce because it requires a lot of props for the graphics scenes which would be difficult for us to get hold of and a lot of different locations and complicated make-up, so it would require a bigger budget to get everything needed which we do not have access to. 

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