
Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog, I have made my main product which is a trailer named Eye Spy and a poster for Eye Spy and a Magazine Cover for Premiere, which you will find directly below.
If you click on September 2012 it will take you to the beginning of my research and planning posts for all my media products, you can view this here.
My Evaluation starts on Monday 11th March 2013 for all in media products, you can view this here.

Hope you enjoy.
Abbie Dutton-Guiver.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Research and Planning: Script.

Script for Trailer. 

(non-diegetic light music quiet in the background)
Character 1: (holding camera) Heyy, smile for the camera
Character 2: (hand over face) stop it, get that out my face 
Character 3: Stop being such a tool
Character 1: Come on, don't be so boring
Character 4: (waves hand towards camera

(Mainly improvisation with characters because we want it to be a natural atmosphere
We will collect quite a bit of footage of the teenagers at the beginning and will cut it down in the editing process. 

Character 3: (collapses on the floor
Character 1: (close up camera shot of character 3
(all characters laugh
Character 1: he's such a lightweight 
Character 2: I don't feel very well 
Character 1: (begins to collapse along with camera) oh shhh... 

Cuts to black. 

(music reaches its peak and plays over all the fast editing)

Characters 1,2,3 & 4: (various screams)

(heartbeat sound over last part of editing)

Female Character: (sobbing)

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