
Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog, I have made my main product which is a trailer named Eye Spy and a poster for Eye Spy and a Magazine Cover for Premiere, which you will find directly below.
If you click on September 2012 it will take you to the beginning of my research and planning posts for all my media products, you can view this here.
My Evaluation starts on Monday 11th March 2013 for all in media products, you can view this here.

Hope you enjoy.
Abbie Dutton-Guiver.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Research and Planning: Film Poster Analysis

Film Poster Analysis.

We have a medium close up of a character in the background, but the main focus of the image is the binoculars in the foreground and more emphasis has been placed on these by the same image being repeated in each lens and they are the only part of the poster that is in colour which draws the audience to that. The colours used in the lens images (reds, oranges) suggest an element of danger and the over the shoulder shot with a dark silhouette in the background again keep the element of danger. With the slogan used 'Every killer lives next door to someone' links to the over the shoulder shot used in the lens because it suggests that she is suspicious and paranoid but she maybe has a right to be because we can see a dark figure in the background. A very small part to the image but it links in with the slogan strongly is the house silhouettes placed along the bottom of the characters neck which you don't really notice until you look at it long enough, but when you do notice it, it gives clues away to the audience about maybe there is a killer next door or the idea of odd goings on around their street. The title is in a very simple font and isn't that big, but because of the harsh contrast between the white writing and the black background, it really stands out. There is no capital letter at the beginning of the title, which could be for design reasons (they preferred it that way) but it could also be used to attarct a younger audience i.e. teenagers from 16-20 because it seems to be a typical teenage film, especially because they have used younger characters as the main focus on the poster as well. This poster also has the regular steel tongs font telling you all about the production and all the relevant information placed at the bottom.

This poster is very different to the last one I looked at because in this one, it's the title that is the main focus and the image is quite small in comparison at the bottom. The title has a very distinctive font whcih can help to create a distinctive image for the film and the colour red used in the title and the smudging does create that sinister air because it instantly conveys an impression of blood and gore. And again the image of the house at the bottom is very gloomy and looks to be edited so that the black in the image is a lot more dominant, which sticks with the sinister atmosphere and obviously the image of the house and the title make the audience question is the house itself or is it the people inside. And like the other poster is has all the essential information in the steel tongs font at the bottom, the only thing I don't like is that the films slogan seems to blend in with that.

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