
Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog, I have made my main product which is a trailer named Eye Spy and a poster for Eye Spy and a Magazine Cover for Premiere, which you will find directly below.
If you click on September 2012 it will take you to the beginning of my research and planning posts for all my media products, you can view this here.
My Evaluation starts on Monday 11th March 2013 for all in media products, you can view this here.

Hope you enjoy.
Abbie Dutton-Guiver.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Evaluation: Question 4- How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Question 4- How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages.

A prezi explaining all the technologies I used during the research, planning and evaluation stages and brief descriptions of where and how I used them such as things like blogger and new websites we have found and used.


An iShowU demonstrating all the technologies I explained in the prezi above, showing where I have used them and examples from my own work such as slideshare and prezi.


This is a prezi to explain the technologies I used during the construction stages of all three of my media products, this breifly explains about equipment I used such as cameras as well as programs I used like Photoshop and iMovie.


This is an iShowU demonstrating the programs I used such as Photoshop in which I use my own work as an example and go through the tools I used and how I achieved the effects. As well as going through programs such as iMovie which I used a lot for my trailer.

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